मराठीतून वाचण्याकरिता खाली स्क्रोल करा
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Town Planning is more than this |
At the beginning
of the civilisation villages were established where there had been reliable
water source. During past centuries water had been the basic infrastructure and
other need could be fulfilled either using water or otherwise. This is the
reason why most of the towns and villages are on the bank of rivers. Security
also had been fundamental need and hence, secured places for habitation were
found e.g. hills. In today’s world man has acquired skills to fulfil most of
the needs at any place on the earth. The only requirement is communication
facilities. Therefore, today’s most important and inescapable need is
communication facilities. These facilities need land. In past 40-50 years it is
experienced that a combination of communication facilities are needed. In an
established town it is nearly impossible to find land for accommodation and for
communication purpose. None parts with land. The government must take a lesson
from this situation so that at least in future this problem would not arise
when land is needed for accommodation and communication facilities.
present facilities of communication and possible modifications in next 100
years or more there is a need for 200 to 500 metre wide ground strip or
corridor joining existing towns and cities. Our planning of cities and towns
including expansion of existing cities/towns should be along a wide corridor
instead of on the periphery of cities/towns/villages. Once this aspect of town
planning is accepted it is easy to finalise details. The corridor shall be used
for communication and barren land along the corridor would be used for
establishing towns to accommodate extra population in future.
There are
important decisions required to be taken to proceed on this theme. Broadly
these are acquition of land, development of communication system and planning
of towns along the corridor. In my opinion following decision should be taken:-
Land acquisition even as per
the latest law is difficult to follow in practice. Present land cost invariably
is low. It will not increase till facilities are constructed. After full
development the cost may be many folds, may be 10-20 times and would rise with
time. Another aspect is the land owner would become landless. Whatever amount
he/she gets may not last for his life time leave aside for life time of
children/grand children. Land is an income provider for unlimited time. Money
received as sale price is not an income provider for land owners. This need
changes in land acquisition laws. This is available in details here. Briefly need
is 10/20 times of land needed be considered. 10/5% land from every owner be
acquired and remaining 90/95% land should be redistributed among all in the
same order as it is existing before acquisition. This will ensure every land
owner retains 90/95% of his land and may not resist on account of fear of becoming landless. Whatever land is needed for communication should be taken on
lease with clear provision of rental of 5% of land cost as valued during month
of March in the preceding year. The law should specify valuers for this
The corridor should be used for
all communication facilities and other basic infrastructure such as electricity,
water, sewage treatment and disposal etc. It can be planned to connect forests
in India in future when adequate resources are available to provide safety
arrangements and for crossing the corridor.
Before planning towns along
corridor a study should be undertaken of existing cities and towns to evaluate
need of citizens. For example municipalities don’t allow hawkers on footpath.
There should not be difference of opinion that hawkers obstruct pedestrians’
path. However, it can’t be denied that hawkers exist because citizens want
them. If people stop buying from hawkers there shall not be hawkers. Point is
all needs of citizens either legal or extra ordinary shall be considered. Where
possible alternatives could be found. In case such requirements should be
ignored. Road crossings, bus stops, railway stations and similar places should
be intelligently used for hawkers so that footpaths are clear of hawkers. These
places also should be used for other facilities like public urinals, change
rooms, repair shops for domestic appliances, service providers and alike. In a
virgin place it can be planned in details and would be practical.
There is an argument that
common man is forced by his/her financial position to construct accommodation
over authorisation. There is demand that FSI for such construction be increased
and excess construction be regularised with nominal penalty. Political leaders
try to project their image as supporters of common man. They forget that for
excess construction leads to extra population and excess consumption of
facilities like communication, water, electricity etc. In order to take proper
care of services local body has to incur extra expenditure. Many times adequate
infrastructure can’t be provided for want of land. Politicians should first
answer these questions, provide solutions without any extra cost to citizens/exchequer
and then express their love to people who have not followed laws of this
Every one in the country
dislikes people living in shacks (Jhopadi). Every one wants to destroy all such
unauthorised shacks. No one wishes to apply same rules to unauthorised
construction. Some do make rehabilitation schemes. Initially such schemes are
priced low (later price increases many folds). Such schemes are invariably
planned outside the periphery of cities and towns like it used to be a practice
in old India (construction shelters for certain group of people outside
security wall of a village/town). It is possible to accommodate such people in
regular buildings spread all over city/town and at much lower cost provided
land cost is higher than construction. There is similar need of "OldAge Homes” senior citizens always love to stay with their children. However,
due to scarcity of accommodation may have to stay in old age homes. This is a
mental torture for senior citizens. This can be avoided by construction flats
on the same floor as peope from shacks are accommodated. This will give
independence to both senior citizens and their children and at the same time
visiting would be much more frequent. Even some rooms may be made available for
preliminary medical facilities under supervision of good hospitals.

There is a need to change our architecture to provide security to residents in a building. In earlier days wada/chawl system was followed in residential construction. The advantage of such system had been every one in the locality could see people going and coming out from neighbour houses. There had been disadvantage that there had been no privacy. If western system of flats is modified we can achieve both privacy and security. This would need some modifications in town planning rules. Such modification shall have no unwanted effect though.
I have great belief that if
town planning is modified to take in to consideration needs and aspiration of a
common man, no citizen will go against nation’s laws. One more point. This is not
connected with town planning but with transport. Bus Rapid Transport (BRT in
short) can solve transport needs in most of the towns and in come cities too.
What is needed is an independent lane for all buses and bus stop under a fly
over. All other vehicles would use flyover wherever bus stop is located. People
under the flyover can easily get in the bus or come out securely. There shall
not be any danger from private vehicles on road. Details Are here.
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7. निदान मला तरी वाटते की, नगररचनेमध्यें या प्रकारचे बदल केल्यास नागरिक सुखी होतील व अवैध बांधकामांनाही आळा बसेल. जाता जाता आणखी एक गोष्ट. हिचा नगररचनेशी संबंध नाही परंतु, वाहतुकीशी संबंधित आहे. पुष्कळशा शहरात बीआरटीसेवा सुरक्षित केली तर वाहतुकीचे प्रश्न सुटु शकतात. एक करावे लागेल. जे मार्ग निवडाल त्यावरील प्रत्येक बस बीआरटी व प्रत्येक थांबा उड्डाणपुलाखाली. एक स्वतंत्र लेन सर्व बससाठी, उड्डाणपूलाखाली बसथांबा केल्याने बाकी वाहने उड्डाणपुलावरून जातील प्रवाशी पुलाखाली सुरक्षित राहतील. वाकी वाहनाखाली प्रवाशी सापडणार नाहीत. त्याबाबत सुरक्षित. येथे अधिक माहिती मिळेल.
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