Government of India recently decided to raise price of Diesel by Rs. 5.00 per litre, placed restriction of 6 LPG cylinders for a family per annum at subsidised rates, and allowed FDI in retail area. All these decisions raised eyebrows in political field and citizens' groups. However, there is no increase price of kerosene. This has been welcomed by all. Restriction of 6 number of LPG cylinders may be increased to 9 by state government after bearing subsidy on additional cylinders. Central government has brought taxes on additional cylinders (more than 6 or 9, depending on the subsidy given by state government) to zero giving relief of approximately Rs. 97.00. However, this had been given to all LPG cylinders for domestic use. Dr. Man Mohan Singh, prime minister of India informed citizens the decision is harsh but there is no alternative solution under present circumstances. In general the decision is termed as bold but harmful to citizens because of expected price rise.