Government of India recently decided to raise price of Diesel by Rs. 5.00 per litre, placed restriction of 6 LPG cylinders for a family per annum at subsidised rates, and allowed FDI in retail area. All these decisions raised eyebrows in political field and citizens' groups. However, there is no increase price of kerosene. This has been welcomed by all. Restriction of 6 number of LPG cylinders may be increased to 9 by state government after bearing subsidy on additional cylinders. Central government has brought taxes on additional cylinders (more than 6 or 9, depending on the subsidy given by state government) to zero giving relief of approximately Rs. 97.00. However, this had been given to all LPG cylinders for domestic use. Dr. Man Mohan Singh, prime minister of India informed citizens the decision is harsh but there is no alternative solution under present circumstances. In general the decision is termed as bold but harmful to citizens because of expected price rise.
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Rising Prices |
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Foreign Direct Investment |
On the other hand small retailers in
India are afraid of FDI. They feel their business would collapse. They would be
thrown out of market. This fear is not in the interest of nation. For thousands
of years trading community had sucked blood of customers. They do not have any
norms for profit. They must be warned to trade goods at reasonable profit. It
is not difficult task for them. They can establish cooperatives and establish a
common storage for all traders in the locality. Their cooperative can buy goods
directly from producers at much lower cost. All goods can be stocked at a place
accessible to all members of the cooperative and transported to individual
shops in least possible time. This way individual investment could be brought
to nearly zero while making stock availability to need of the hour. They should
learn new methods of administration and make their business superior to new
players invited in retail field while still maintaining their other methods useful
for customer care. Small retailers must accept this challenge, unite and
convert this in to an opportunity to serve customers better.
It is
a laudable effort of the government to take above decisions. As already said if
this improves competition, increases employment and helps in improving service,
it is welcome by all. However, the government may not be thinking about most
needed reforms. Why Dr. Man Mohan Singh can't really exhibit his boldness for
such reforms? Is he supposed to take bold decisions suitable for rich (both monetarily
and politically) people only? Why should he be shy in taking bold decisions in
favour of a common man? Condition of India worsens basically on account of three
worries. Firstly, corruption, secondly, terrorism (both internal like Indian
Terrorists, Naxlites, Maoists etc. and external from outside countries) and casteism.
It is not difficult to find solution for these. Ways are available. What is
needed is will and boldness. U earnestly request Dr. Man Mohan Sigh to be bold
and take decisions to eradicate these. Briefly the methods needed are:-
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Corruption |
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) recently accepted need of
poor people who cannot keep minimum deposit in saving bank account and hence
cannot use bank facilities. A basic bank account (BBA) has been authorised with zero balance
while keeping other facilities unchanged. This will allow every Indian to have
bank account. The government and political parties should enlighten citizens
and help them to get a bank account. Some more bank accounts are needed for
which RBI should prepare guidelines and make it compulsory to start these new
bank accounts. Details can be found here.
Every person has to approach some government office to
obtain certificates for various purposes. The government must prepare Citizens'
Charter for every office and implement it ruthlessly. The government employee
should not ask citizens from desk to desk and must get his/her requirement at
one desk only. There should be severe punishment if any government employee
asks citizen to contact some one else. Details can be found here.http://janahitwadi.blogspot.in/2011/09/citizens-charter-and-voters-list.html
Government must develop a method for instantaneous and
secured money transfer for transactions needed by citizens daily. Details can
be found here.
Propaganda expenditure during election is 10 times or
more compared to official limits specified. Gram Panchayat election needs
expenditure in a few Lakhs, Municipal corporation-Vidhansabha-Loksabha election
it is crores. There is natural tendency to get back all expenditure after
getting elected. Also provision has to be made for future elections. After all
no one can be expected to spend such a huge amount without getting returns.
This means the government spends for propaganda in indirect way. Why not make
it in a direct way? The government can save lot of money if spent directly. To
pass any examination there is a requirement to earn minimum marks. This is
between 33 to 50%. There is a laid down standard to be eligible for any post in
all sectors. However, while electing a candidate there is neither rule for
minimum marks (votes) nor for qualification. There is inscape need to decide on
these issues. May be 35% of listed votes and 5-15 years of social service would
be the standard for contesting and getting elected. Some more details areavailable here.
After spending so much money on election, many of the
voters don't exercise their right to vote. Candidates getting approximately 15%
votes win elections. This means so called people's representatives, represent
just 15% of citizens. Steps are needed to make voting 100%. Some more detailsare available here.
Administrative reforms for political administration are
needed. The present system of over 50% members in the house shuld be scraped
and revised to passing marks say 33% for a single largest party. There is no
need for a opposition party as all members of a house have a common concern for
the nation. Any motion or bill there should be support of at least say 20% of
members. This must be first proved before the motion or bill is taken for
discussion. Any member creating nusance shall be debarred for remaining period
of the house and shall not contest any electin for at least 6 years from the
date. More information is available here.
Government must study why people are reluctant to part
with land needed for development and take action to revise Land Acquisition Act
suitably. More details are available here and here.
viii) Government
must withdraw all currency notes with denomination Rs. 100.00 and above without
giving cash in return. This can be done as detailed here.
ix) Government
must have details of all private company (operating in India) share holders
holding stock 1% or more in various companies (depending on size of companies).
These details must be updated on daily basis and must be available on a
specific website for information of every citizen.
x) Finally the government should create
an independent statutory authority like Lokpal and Lokayukt for keeping watch
on the government, politicians and all those who earn income much higher than
an average person. All these citizens must submit their property details to the
government and revise at least once a year. The government should get these
audited and evaluated by competent authority.
Fight against corruption can be
fought successfully provided it is fought logically and step by step. In my
opinion steps given above may be successful.
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Kasab the Terrorist |
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Indian Dalits |
Caste structure in India |
this is a nice post.
I learned a lot from this post.
I hope i will be back in a jiffy:)
Do remember me please!!
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@ Ghayoor Abbas, Thank you brother. Would you like to contribute towards solution to the problems faced by India. Have nice time.
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