Should we get blocked for want of finance or should we find a way to achieve this? I feel the later choice should be explored.
While finding a solution we may consider various factors like individual IQ level, surroundings of pupils, family background and may be some thing more. IQ level of all students cannot be equal. However, while considering IQ level surroundings and family background should not be ignored. IQ level of a particular pupil may be low compared to the other one on account of surroundings and family background. There should be a method to assess absolute IQ level while considering all factors.
Based on IQ level there should be different course for pupils. Expectations should be different. This does mean there should be different syllabus and teaching based on IQ level. However, this may not be practical. My solution for this would be examination system should be such that marks obtained by a pupil in an examination reflect IQ level. To achieve this for every subject marks should be divided in to different category of class work and written examination. For an example let us consider 100 marks rating for a particular subject. Out of this 20 marks should be reserved for class work. Remaining 80 marks should be for written paper. Written examination should have 5 questions 16 marks each. Out of these 5 questions 2 questions should be to test memory of the pupil, 2 questions should be to test thinking of a pupil i. e. it should be expected that answer must include pupil's thinking. Thinking should be limited to text book only. This way thinking power could be checked. 1 question should be to test thinking of a pupil and general knowledge. It should be expected that the pupil should read more than what is available in the text book. If such a method is used possibly no pupil would fail in the annual assessment. At the same time all we fall in 3 distinct categories i. e. normal, superior and excellent. This classification should be used for every one in selection for higher studies. The other method may be to have text books in 3 categories. Pupil should be allowed to choose a group whichever suits him/her.
SSCE (secondary school certificate examination) should be considered minimum education for every one. Based on the marks obtained in this examination opening to higher examination should be decided. In case a pupil gets lower marks in the examination and wish to reappear for fresh assessment there should be no objection. The pupil should be allowed but restricted to say 1 or 2 more attempts. Those who get 50% or lesser marks should be allowed for certificate courses only. Those who get more than 50% but less than 71% should be allowed for general courses. Those who secure 71% or higher should be allowed for professional courses like engineering, medicine, management, computers, information technology etc. There may be a provision of grace marks for candidates from scheduled caste, scheduled tribes and other backward classes. There could be another system which would provide with different level text books. This may not be feasible in small places where adequate number of students may not be available for a particular level text books.
Oldest system of education in India had been
memorising every thing and reproducing the same with exact words and pronunciation.
This system helped in transferring books from one generation to other. All old
books had been transferred from generation to generation in this manner. Basic
advantage of this system had been correct pronunciation of every word. Pronunciation
is producing sound effect. This sound effect is important to various aspects of
life. This cannot be achieved in written material. This had been working well
with certain students who can help others. However, this was not adequate for
explaining meaning in words which could be understood by general public. This
part was taken care of by more intelligent persons who not only could memorise
but also explain the meaning. Fundamentally in a society all cannot have equal
capabilities and hence it is not worth to teach same knowledge to every one.
Knowledge must be divided in sections based on capability of students and
delivered what a particular student can assimilate. This is the way to produce
groups of people who can deliver or can take responsibility of tasks as per
their personal capability. As an example those who can memorise whatever needed
for worship can do job of pastor easily. However, if children or students are
to be taught then this category cannot meet the needs. A teacher must be
intelligent to understand assimilate and explain in words students can
understand. Ashrams were established by such intelligent teachers to educate
prospective students who would carry out certain responsibilities in the
society. During olden days even princes were sent to ashram for education. In
today's time knowledge is diverse and categories of responsibilities are manifolds.
Hence this system needs to be changed. There are roughly 7 steps in today's
education. These are as under:-
Education at home for children
below certain age, generally 3 years.
Education in school i. e.
kindergarten and primary.
Education at middle school
level i. e. common education for all.
Education for low capability
Education for those who are
capable of earning expertise in professions needing higher expertise.
Education for students needing
highest expertise in most of the fields.
Education for exploring
research capabilities.
Medium of instructions in schools is undergoing
serious debate for last many years. Worldwide education gives preference to mother
tongue for education. However, Indians feel that because most of the knowledge
is in English the medium of education should be English. It is forgotten that even
smaller countries in Europe or in Asia have adopted mother tongue as medium of
education. They also know that knowledge books are in English. However, they
also know that a negligible percentage of citizens need that knowledge. Spending
resources on every one is not found correct by them. Some feel that if a
smaller portion of population knows English, they would feel proud and consider
others as inferior. However, it must be understood that only English is not the
criteria for differentiating persons. Hence language policy should be mother
tongue as language of instructions and extra classes for learning English limited
to those who wish to learn English. There should be strict filter to find
students who wants to learn English and have enough capacity to learn a foreign
language. Medium of instruction up to and in secondary school (10th
Standard) must be mother tongue or state language. Beyond this student going
for education are limited and can have English as medium of education.
All these stages and categories must be studied
together to formulate education system.
Education in India has 3 sources. First source is the government,
second private organisations and third private individuals or groups. The
government runs schools from pre-primary to higher secondary schools and
colleges. The government charges least fees but citizens find the education in
such schools is below standard. However, the government run colleges are
considered as better than private institutes. Private classes are in demand by
students and parents for particular subjects taught in school and for
competitive examination for entrance to higher studies and employment. Although
the government controls all education institutes run by them but also try to
control educational organisations run by private institutions/organisations.
The control is basically on ‘fees’ charged for various purposes. The parents of
students complain about rise in school fees the institutions have found a
solution to get more money from parents. They force parents to pay in the form
of funds for various reasons like ‘Building’, ‘Playground’ etc. Parents find no
alternative and pay and never report to the government. Thus efforts of the
government to control fees never produce fruits. In the era of free trading why
government should take responsibility of controlling fees? The government allow
free market in this field also. The government doesn’t control tuition class
fees. If government doesn't take responsibility for tuition classes then why
only in case of schools and colleges? Secondly the government provides help to
private institutes in the form of subsidy. This might have been right when the
government was not in a position to open adequate schools and colleges to
provide education to all who demand. Today’s condition is government run
schools are under populated and the government is forced to close schools fully
or partly. Under these circumstances the government should modify their responsibility.
It should be limited to deciding on date of declaring fee structure by each of
the private schools and institutes and displaying in their individual premises.
Let student and their parents decide on school for taking admission. Basic
market law of demand and supply should work fine and no one can complain on any
account. The government should ensure that the fees are displayed by schools
and institutes at least 6 months in advance of admissions (preferred time
period is July to October for next educational year).
Government of Maharashtra has taken a decision for
admission of backward students in private schools. The class in which they
should be admitted is not clear but it appears that the government wants them
to be admitted in primary school first standard. It is said that backward
children also must get good education. However, government failed to ensure
financial help. Apart from tuition fees there are many other fees and students
from that category may not be in a position to pay. More important is private
schools show no interest in admitting these children. Obviously they loose huge
money otherwise they charge while admitting children in the school. Hence it is
but natural and govt. needs to force it on them through suitable method. Aadhar
Card would play an efficient role in ensuring this. A system should be
developed to register all children through Aadhar card and a specific table be
prepared for school admission and linked to Aadhar card. Specific criteria must
be worked out for admission and the govt. should prepare school wise list of
students and direct schools to admit all children in the list. This way the
govt. need not control fees and ensure that all backward class students get
admission as per 25% quota.
Experience is the tool to learn: There
is a need to go back to gurukul era and make experience as the method of
assimilation by students. This means all teaching aids available must be used
while teaching. Students’ homework must be thoroughly checked and graded/valued
correctly. There should be situations where students themselves experience
subject in their life.
Government should be responsible for defining and regulating standards. The government must have its schools and colleges as per the finance available and need of pupils. Private institutions should be encouraged to participate in education. The government should control quality of education through various tests and insist on admission of certain percentage of pupils sponsored by the government. These pupils shall not be charged any type of fees, in residential school or college they should accommodate free of cost. In short the government sponsored students shall be given free education and free lodging boarding in residential schools. In return the government must not insist on controlling fees. Education institutes shall be given free hand in charging fees etc. and the government shall not financially support such schools and colleges. There shall be no private university. All private colleges shall be affiliated to the government university. I would recommend 65% pupils/students to be admitted by the respective institution as per its rules and fees. The government should sponsor 35% student with details as follows. 10% on merit without considering caste, 10% on merit but from other backward classes, 9% on merit but from scheduled caste and 6% on merit but from scheduled tribes. Peoples' elected representatives must decide this division.
In my opinion if this solution is tried education would improve both in quality and quantity. The government shall not have to indulge in fixing fees etc. Fees shall get fixed based on popular law of demand and supply. The government must be meticulous in ensuring quality of education and provide schooling & higher education institutes where private parties are not available.
Dear Jana, I fortify your views with my blog in 'speaking tree', :
Contributions Of Our Indian Education System:
Education means training & developing of human intellectual and mental abilities along with moral characters for a civilized society.
Every year we are producing thousands of Doctors, Engineers, M.B.As, C.As, Lawyers and number of many other professionals but where is the efficiency level and moral character of our society????
We turned all our Educational institutions to business houses; Liberal valuation system made most of the students score more than 90% marks! Book sellers, fish vendors and politicians became the owners of Engineering and Medical colleges. Money became the basic norm for admission in these institutions!! Sow money and reap money!!!
After all, what we are producing?? Distorted personalities to exploit the society!!!
Now, the efficiency count is assessed as per the capacity of person’s manipulation & misappropriation power!!!
Lawyers are made for finding loop-holes of our law,
Chartered Accountants are made for manipulation & creating frauds,
M.B.As are made for mesmerizing the human minds,
Doctors are made for devastating biological investigations & transplantations,
Engineers are made for B.P.Os and call centers,
The words of “Thugs, cheats, liars” are most popular salutations for addressing the people..
Where we lost our ancient civilization??? “ Loka Samastha Sughino Bhavandu”, “Sathyam vatha Dharmam chara”, “Adhithi Devo Bhava”, “Eshwovasyamidam Sarvam”, “ Sathyameva Jayathe”
How we can revamp our Educational system to restore our society with basic human values?? Please suggest..
Thank you Kumar. I saw your blog @ http://www.speakingtree.in/public/browse-forums. I tried to find your fortified views but couldn't succeed. I read a few topics. Your blog is excellent, knowledgeable, balanced and educative. Presently I was busy in writing some thing on 'Secularism' Meaning of secularism is not understood by most of the people. Mostly it is understood as equality among religions or 'sarva dharma sambhav' Unfortunately the meaning is wrong. Secularism means while taking a decision do not consider religion of the persons involved but only consider laws of the nation. This is another subject though.
Considering size of our nation and funds available I have given a simple solution. Examination system should be such that an average student should not fail but brilliant student can gain high score only if he/she is capable of thinking and put his/her own opinion in clear words. Question paper should be designed accordingly. After such an examination there should be courses available based on the capability of the student. There should not be a crowd trying to be an Engineer or Doctor or Administrator etc and then get disappointed. I have teaching experience of over 10 years to Engineering students. I feel this system would work. I am eagerly waiting for your views.
Hello, I forgot to answer your query "How we can revamp our Educational system to restore our society with basic human values?" In my opinion if teachers guide/advise/encourage/scold students on every activity as per following system we could achieve the goal. Click here to see how?
In the world level Indian literacy rate was very low.India having uniform education system means surely they will improve our literacy rate.The Government of Tamil Nadu has been implemented the Common School System is called "Samacheer Kalvi" or Tamil Nadu Uniform System of School Education or Equitable education system.I like this Uniform education system.
Apsira , will you please provide more details about "Samachar Kalvi"
I would like to add that to the article. Thank you.
Private sector is being accepted by more and more citizens. They have 1 common complaint. All private institutes charge fees as per their convenience and never declare the same. Government must control time of declaring fees and displaying those and not the amount of fees. Government should allow freedom to private institutes to decide on fees and declare at least six months before starting of new session of school. This should be displayed on a huge board inside school campus which could be read fro outside school compound. Citizens should decide whether their children should take education in such school or not.
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