BharatMata |
Every country
in the world faces challenges all the time. However India is facing grave
problems as on date. Theses are specially related to Security, Democracy and
Development. Extremist attacks, Naxlite/Maoist attacks and Corrupt Politicians
are major issues need to be resolved to save sovereignty of India and her
Common Man. Security is in danger because the government is yet to take steps
to raise suitable force to fight and demolish all bastard who are challenging
her government and the people. A sizeable group of politicians help these
bastards. Almost 30% of politicians are charged with grave charges like murder,
rape, robbery and alike. Democracy is in danger due to Common Man is
indifferent to exercising his fundamental right to vote, candidates contesting
election spend crores of rupees for self propaganda. Money and Muscle power is
rampant. India needs to face these problems first. Economy and development
would automatically follow if security to people and corruption free administration
is established in all sectors i.e. politics, government, semi-government and
private sectors.
Naxlites |
Maoists |
Affected Districts of India |
Naxlite andMaoist problem is because of bad budget and heartless implementation of budget.
The government has provided some funds so that poor can live their life not
exactly successful life but they can carry on. However, this reason cannot be
taken as an excuse for cruel attacks by these groups. Would killing of people
and destroying national assets improve condition of the poor? No it cannot. The
only solution is to provide employment to every one who can work. If a worker
is not having suitable skills to do a particular job it is required to train him/her.
Just cribbing that skilled manpower is not available hence, unemployment is not
a rational thinking. The government and the private sectors must accept this as
their responsibility to train. Employment must be provided as near to ancestral
place as possible. Communication is a key to this. Road, rail, air, water and
all other communications must be provided. Start can be done by joining big
cities with a corridor. Corridor should be as wide as possible say 300 metres.
On both sides of the corridor plan various services like residential houses,
commercial facilities, industrial complexes, transport stations (by road, rail,
air, water etc.) and use the corridor for communication (road and rail). There
is a possibility that various forests also may be connected through this
corridor. This would reduce flow of (migration) village population to cities
and would provide place for new towns near villages. This shall generate great possibility
of employment and security would be much better because of small towns. Land
for the corridor and other facilities of both sides need not be purchased by
the government. This should be on lease to the final user and this user should
pay annual rent at 8% of the assessed value of the land to the original land
owner and after his/her death to respective successors. This way Naxlite and
Maoist problem can be faced.
Building being Evacuted |
Woman being Rescued |
After Terrorists Attack |
Terroristsand extremists succeed in their destructive activity only because they get
support and help from locals. This problem should be addressed by making a law
for such supporters to hang to death irrespective whether the support is
smaller big, knowingly or unknowingly etc. If any one wish to save himself or
herself from such activity the only alternative shall be not to indulge in such
acts and if forced report to police and get necessary security from police.
This is the only way to ensure safety against terrorists attacks. Naxlite and
Maoist also must be treated like terrorists. If some state(s) represents to the
centre (central government) to withdraw armed and para military forces from the
state centre should warn the state that security of people of state shall be
the total responsibility of that particular state and centre shall not provide
any help which shall include monetary help also. If state(s) particularly asks
for help of intelligence bureau, the same may be provided by the centre on
conditions laid down by the centre.
Some MPs |
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar |
Speaker of LS |
So calledelected representatives of people is a great risk to nation. In general they never get more than 20% of votes from voters enlisted. Many voters don't
exercise their right on account of many reasons. Most of the candidates do not
do any social work in their life, money power and muscle power are only
credentials of many candidates, laziness on part of voters, many voters use the
holiday for some other purpose etc. Voters also see many candidates who were
elected do not open their mouth except for paid questions in the house during
various sessions. In case any parliamentarian asks a question he/she never
pursue the same. In general voters think that any of the candidates if voted,
would be corrupt, useless for their causes and electing any one does not fulfil
the purpose they are elected. Members of parliament and legislative assembly
(MPs and MLAs) are required to work for people and they should consider
themselves as servants of people (Desh Sevak and Rajya Sevak). However they
consider themselves as Khasdars and Amdars. This nomenclature needs a change.
It is not possible to place restrictions on candidates with charges like
murder/rape/corruption etc. for not contesting elections. However, political
parties can always discard such candidates. Political parties on other hand
project such candidates as the most suitable. Citizens have lost faith in all
present political parties. Political parties must select candidates after
ascertaining qualities like integrity, honesty, selflessness, leadership,
accountability, objectivity and openness etc. While choosing candidates
political parties do not consider any of these qualities but a single criteria
i.e. ability to get elected by hook or crook. This is another reason for not
exercising right to vote. Present situation makes it easy for political parties
to divide voters based on religion, caste and similar criteria and get their nominees
elected. Once elected, they have no fear to be called back. Present situation does
not encourage voters to vote. After election the house is divided in to two
groups i.e. ruling party(ies) and opposition party(ies). It is not understood
why there should be opposition when every candidate pledges to work for people.
Why we cannot make a rule to elect Prime Minister (Chief Minister in state) byall the elected representatives? A register of activities of all elected
representatives should be maintained and updated from time to time. This should
be available to public on website. Special care should be taken for ministers
and leaders of all parties. This will ensure that the prime minister and chief
ministers represent the nation and respective state respectively. We should
have experts' cell for various houses of people's representatives. Ministers
can't be expected to be experts in various spheres and aspects related to the
people in the nation. They must have good knowledge of at least one of the subjects,
they should understand aspirations of people and they must be experts in
administration. Every minister must have an expert for various subjects toobtain opinion. Based on the information and opinion given by an expert the
minister should take a decision and implement the same in right spirit. Experts
may not be integrated to a particular ministry but they should form a cell.
They need to get information related to the subject referred to them from a
particular ministry. Such information must be placed on website of the
ministry. There should be a laid down procedure to investigate misbehaviour of
elected representatives and ministers and laws to punish and avoid similar
misbehaviour by some one in future. A code of privileges must be prepared in
black and white and implemented on every occasion for all members of various
houses. Houses of representatives of people must be organised to implement such
security hazards are natural calamities, traffic accidents, fire etc. The
government must have a plan and implementation machinery ready to fight against
all such threats. While developing hazardous projects such as generation of
electricity, irrigation, flood control, security, employment, housing and life
of people shall not be neglected.

Election reforms are needed to ensure voting by all, do away with money power, muscle
power and get ideal representatives in all houses. If every eligible voter
votes division of people based on religion caste and any other criteria will
not be possible. There is a need to monitor voters and provide them with
certificate of voting. This certificate must be made compulsory for various
benefits citizens get on account of nationality. For example for an employee holiday
is authorised for voting. In case he doesn't vote then that should be treated
as unpaid leave and break in service. People shall not get any certificates if
they don't vote in latest election. In fact they shall not be treated as
citizens if they don't vote. Political parties must not select candidates who
have criminal record. Criminal record must be advertised for all candidates. These
who don't have criminal record must be shown as 'No Criminal Record' If
information given by a candidate is found and proved as 'wrong' the candidate
shall not be allowed to contest any election for a period of 6 years from the
date information is received by the election commission. The government should
prepare a model for propaganda for all candidates and finance the same. No
candidate shall spend for propaganda for any one contesting election.
India has afree system of election but it can't be treated as fair. Model code of conduct exists but hardly followed by political parties and candidates. Past experience shows
that 70 to 95 % of Lok Sabha (LS) and legislative Assembly (LA) constituencies
voting is less than 50%. This means more than 50% voters do not exercise their
right to vote. Surprisingly this is more prominent in cities and towns where it
is assumed that literate population resides. In certain area voting percentage
to the total votes in constituencies is as low as 8%. With this voting pattern
how can one be a people's representative when he/she is chosen by say 4%
voters. Members of LS and LA have criminal cases pending. Percentage of such
members is increasing with every LS and LA. From 2004 elections to 2009 the
percentage for LS has increased from 23% to 30%. Percentage of MPs with serious
charges during this period has increased by 36%. Money flow in elections has
increased astonishingly and at present election expenditure of candidates even
for local bodies is in crores. During interview of candidates by political parties
even women express fearlessly that they are contesting elections to improve
their monetary income from 4000 per month to 4 lakh per month. Candidates
contesting elections do not have any social service background and hardly any one
possesses most important and desirable qualities like integrity, honesty,
selflessness, leadership, accountability, objectivity and openness. Political
parties do not give importance to these qualities. They just concentrate on
only criteria i.e. ability to get elected by hook or crook. Political parties
and candidates promise free supply of items like TV, computers, washing
machines etc. to poor if come in power. This is nothing but bribe to the
voters. Such a bribe is paid from public funds and not from hard earned money
by the candidates or party. Such bribes should be treated under criminal laws
with no provision for bail. Candidates and office bearers of political parties
should be jailed and tried as per existing criminal procedure. This must apply
to pending debts of some of the voters not only for election purpose but also
during governance. How can members and the houses use public funds for a
particular section of people? On the other hand the government should make
every section of people strong enough to earn. This would need education,
training and making procedure simple. State governments paid loans of farmers
who committed suicide. The effect had been the banks of members of houses were
saved. Farmers continued to suicide even after that. Government should have
taken responsibilities of such farmers and taught them how to make cultivation
profitable. There is no method to cancel registration of a political party.
There are no rules and guidelines for working of a political party. Many
political parties exist only on paper. Many have established political parties
just for getting donations. No political party maintains audited accounts and
these are never made public. There is a need to change this and full
information should be available through website to common man. There is a need
for laws for regulation of political parties, making voting compulsory, giving
right to people to reject all candidates contesting elections, debarring
candidates from contesting elections for 6 years when they change their loyalty
to their respective party or rejected in some election, declaring candidate
elected only if he/she gets certain percentage of registered voters in the
respective constituency (say 35 to 50% at least), financing candidate's propaganda
expenditure by the state, registering and pursuing criminal cases against
parties and candidates who offer free items during and after elections etc.
This list may continue further.
Approved SEZs |
Economical Revolution with Social Destruction |
Last two
decades and more there has been improvement in economical condition of the
nation. However, this improvement is against principles of constitution. Indian
constitution provides for security to citizens. This includes financial
security also. However, in practice what is seen in 20 years, is increase in
world class billionaires and increasing gap between rich and poor. Increase in
gap is not only because some got rich but at the same time poor became poorer.
Posts in the government are considered as authority to do any thing with
fulfils selfishness. This is the reason for politicians to grab power in
whatever way possible. This is big challenge the nation has to face. It can be
possible only through education and training. Nation can achieve zero
unemployment through this. Second aspect is free distribution of goods. This
must stop. Either pay higher amount for labour and services or quit government
posts. Provide soft loans for children and youth for education and training.
This applies to farmers, businessmen and all walks of life. Increase their
skills where needed. Soft loans must be repayable with interest. Only
precaution to be taken is repayment shall start after the debtor starts
earning. Interest shall apply only from date of repayment starts. China neededSEZs. It had been helplessness of China due to communist philosophy. China
divided her country in two, communist china and capitalist China. India doesn'tneed this. India is not averse to capitalism. There are many capitalist
businessmen and may be more than USA. What India needs is spreading of her industry
all over the country. This can be achieved by providing corridors to join big
cities and establishing new towns with certain population limit such as 250000.
India needs development of infrastructure. The corridor is the best place for
providing infrastructure. While acquiring land for corridor and towns careshould be taken not to pay compensation at one time but provide accommodation,jobs etc. and pay lease rent for the land acquired. The lease rent should be
based on present market value on the first day of financial year. This shall
solve many problems such as economy, education, training, employment, suicides
by farmers and alike.
There is still greater problem faced by India is religion and caste. Last six decades
and more India has developed partition among religions and castes. Different
India is seen from place to place. Reservation has played dirty part in this
division. Constitutional provisions speak on reservation to castes which were
denied to have say in many spheres of life including education. This provision
is extended to those who were touchable but were not educated. Now some of the
communities who had governed India since independence want reservation. They
cunningly press for reservations in education and employment only. They do not
ask reservation in politics. The hidden reason is except for reserved seats in
LS and LA is with them already. Politicians use this like a torch in monkey's
hand. They lure communities by showing this carrot and get elected. It has been
found to be the easiest way to get elected. They are not bothered while doing
this they are dividing citizens in caste/communal groups. They understand this
well but selfishness prevails on them. If things continue the way they are
India shall be nation of groups and not a homogenous collection of citizens.
This may lead to further division. Nations like China are eagerly waiting for
this. Once division in to many parts takes place it is easy for other nations
to rule India. Although six decades is a small period in the life of a nation,
if this division continues it may become a big period. A solution must be found
to stop this. We should follow constitutional provisions and not amend
constitution further. Instead we should start thinking on how to make the
nation homogenous. Reservations on any account must be discontinued. At the
same time fundamental reasons for reservation must be taken care of. It is a myth
among children that they don't get admission for a specific course or
employment even though the child gets say 90% marks. Whereas a child from reserve
caste gets the same even if the percentage is say 80%. This is very true.
However, the environment of the children in different categories is different.
Hence the same can't be compared just by considering percentage of marks. True
comparison shall be both marks and the environment of the children, education
background of parents, grand parents, great grand parents etc. Comparison is
possible on marks secured during an examination only when other factors are common.
This must be understood by parents and disseminated to Children. They should be
educated telling them similar situation would exist for children securing 85%
of marks if reservation is done away with. The real solution is to increase
availability of seats for courses. If you understand vacant seats for
engineering the same can be well understood. I suggest the reservations shouldcontinue based on the caste of parents and grand parents (both maternal andpaternal). Child shall be authorised reservation provided at least one of
parents or grand parents fulfils the criteria for reservation. This means if
parents belong to different castes the child shall have no caste only religion
and if they belong to different religions they shall have neither religion nor caste.
They shall be treated as Indian citizens only and column against religion and
caste shall be filled with "not applicable". This way there shall be
integration among castes and religions and India would become a casteless
homogeneous society. Those who want reservation can secure the same for their
children by inter-caste or inter-religion marriage. This I understand is the
best way to face the problem of reservation and get rid of it at some time in
future. While doing this we would develop ourselves in to a casteless system
and homogeneous nation.
Religion isanother problem and of high importance. Every person belonging to a specific
religion thinks that the religion followed by that person is the best. None is
ready to accept that there is only one religion in the universe. Swami Vivekanadahad great belief in a single religion. He considered religion in two parts like
soul and body. For ancient Indians Vedanta is soul and Smriti and Puranas are body.
Soul never dies. It is perpetual. What dies is body. Vedanta is eternal. Smriti
and Puranas need changes based on place, time and society. However, persons
from different religion argue based on rules, regulations, laws, rituals and
traditions. This is the fundamental reason for differences and arguments leading
to riots and anti social activities. Once we understand difference between soul
and body all differences among persons of different religions shall melt away.
Politicians, social workers, religious leaders, pastors, mullas, pujaris must
consider this and educate people. Swami Vivekanada was of the opinion that more
number of religions is welcome provided they understand soul and body of their
own religion. Person must take in to consideration rules, regulations, laws,
rituals and traditions based on place, time and society. This is possibly the
only way to achieve harmony among all religions.
Western world
achieved tremendous material progress through science and technology. However,
Indians are the best at spiritual progress in the world. Swami Vivekanadapleaded for accepting material progress from west and in return give spiritualknowledge to west. Many of Indians did help in pleading of Swamiji. However,
mostly or all of them had selfish interest. They were seeking name, fame and
money in return and not material progress of India. While doing this they have
degraded Indian philosophy for cheap publicity. They have failed in basic
concept i.e. in India woman is recognised as mother and not wife as considered
by westerners. So called religious leaders from India have gone to the extent
of treating sex as an important part of Vedanta while preaching the western
world. What is needed is knowledge of eternal Vedanta be preached in a way so
that it is understood and assimilated by westerners. There is no effort seen to
spread this in Middle Eastern countries. If some one would have succeeded in
Muslim countries the today's world would have been peaceful, and more adorable
to live in.
I have noticed that most of us are interested in
well tried solutions and not suggesting some thing totally new. This is how
administration works. First question asked by boss while finding solution on
any issue is "Has this been done earlier? If yes, when, where and
how?" For development un-treaded paths also must be explored. There may be
failures. However, failures teach us lessons and we must accept failures. These
may be treated as unavoidable in experiments. Without experiments no discovery
or invention is possible. At least limited freedom is must, to face challenges
new or old. I invite all readers to add more issues to be face by India. There
should be solution with issue, if possible.
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