
Saturday 5 November 2011

A Novel and Ingenous action to Fight Against Corruption by Children:

Aditya Palnitkar
A group of school going children in Pune, Maharashtra, India has taken a lead in fighting against corruption in Government, Semi-Government and in Local Bodies. Kumar Aditya Palnitkar is the leader of the team. The team has developed a website with address: (click here to see the website) Help is available on website for registering corruption instances by any one and it is promised that information of the person reporting instances of corruption shall be kept secret. The work under taken by the children shows a way but there is no inbuilt mechanism to pursue corruption cases. The government can take up this and develop an effective website for use by all in India. I have given suggestions to the group but due to limited resources I am not sure whether the group would be in a position to implement these.
After the cases are registered on the website the next important aspect is to track the cases till the corrupt person is penalised. In my opinion these school children cannot fulfil this responsibility especially when 100s of cases are reported daily. There is a need to add this feature in the website. The concerned officer should be in a position to know cases of corruption against staff working in his office. He should have access to website such that he can see cases related to his office easily. Further action taken against each case he should have facility to place action taken and his remarks which can be accessible to the complainant for a specific case. This would need a database of all the information related to various complaints. I have tried to prepare tables for information. These tables can be used as they are or with suitable modifications. All these tables should have a relation among all. Information of the person must be kept secret and should be available only the Prime Minister and/or President of India.
Further the cost of developing and maintenance would be quite high and it would not be possible for a school children group. Moreover, a private website may not be considered as authentic and may not get statutory recognition. Hence this must be developed and maintained by the government. The responsibility should be taken by the central government as the problems faced are related to all government ministries, public sectors, local bodies etc. I would recommend even private sector also should be grouped in this website. This would prove to be a good deterrent against corruption cases faced by general public (Aam Adami).
Table for Location:
Website of Ministry

Table for related Office:
Head Office
Office where Bribe given
Name and designation of person who was bribed
Nature of work for which bribe given
Amount of Bribe
Address of the place of bribe
E-mail address of the Office

Table for Incidence of Bribe:
Date when a person approached with application for specific work
Nature of complaint or attach copy of application
Objection(s) raised on the application; if any
Date when all related information handed over (or sent by post)
Date when finally work was done
Amount of Bribe and
Name including designation to whom Bribe was given

Table for Person who gave Bribe:
Name of person in full
City/Town/ Village
Address of the person
Postal Pin code
Contact Number

Table for Tracking cases:
Registration Number of the case
Case in short
Designation of Controlling officer
Name of  Controlling officer
Whether case found Genuine
Action taken in progressive manner with date
Implementation of the penalty
Date information sent to head quarter

Table for Information of the Complainant:
Registration Number of the case
Case in short
Designation of Controlling officer
Name of  Controlling officer
Whether case found Genuine
Action taken in progressive manner with date
Implementation of the penalty
Date information sent to head quarter

Once a mechanism is prepared people (Aam Adami) should use this facility and follow it properly. Misuse must be avoided and punished if any one misuses this facility. This is over and above citizens' charter. There shall be need for issuing specific instructions to all offices in India and these offices must be warned to give importance to the system and in case any one fails shall be severely punished.
While preparing tables integrity of data must be given importance. This means lists of various data must be available. Complainant should be expected to select data from list and not write on his own except his personal information and details of case only. Officer controlling the subordinate involved in bribe must take action against the subordinate and place action taken by him on the website. Progress of his/her case must be available on website. This would restrict corruption cases faced by Aam Adami.

सन्माननिय अण्णा हजारे यानीं भ्रष्टाचाराविरुद्ध मोठा लढा हाती घेतला आहे. सध्या ते जनलोकपाल मिळावा या करिता प्रयत्नशील आहेत. त्या नंतर ग्रामसंस्थाना संसेदे एवढे महत्त्व मिळावे म्हणून लढा पुकारणार आहेत. त्यांच्या लढ्यात सहभागी होताना आपण सर्वांनी त्यातील एखादी लढाई स्वतंत्रपणे लढली पाहिजे. नागरीसनद हा एक त्यांच्या लढ्यातील भाग आहे. या करिता आपण स्वतंत्रपणे आपल्यापरिने प्रयत्न करू शकतो. पुण्यातील एका शालेय विद्यार्थ्याने एक मार्ग दाखविला आहे. त्यात काही भर घालून तो लढा पुढे नेऊ शकतो. हे जर केले तर अण्णाजीच्या लढ्यात आपला खारीचा वाटा होईलच त्याच बरोबर भारतातील नागरिकांना एक उत्तम पर्याय मिळेल.

भ्रष्टाचाराविरुद्धचा लढा पायरी पायरीने लढला पाहिजे:

जर आपणासर्वांना हा विचार पटला तर आपल्या ग्रुपतर्फे एक वेबसाईट विकसित करावी लागेल. ती पायरी पायरीने करता येईल. त्याकरिता खर्च येईल. त्यामध्यें प्रत्येकाचा वाटा असावा. तो खर्च परत मिळविता येईल. शेवटच्या टप्प्यात वेबसाईट भारतीय भाषांमध्ये विकसित करता येईल. जर भारतीय भाषांत वेबसाईट असेल तर 100 टक्के लोकांना ती वापरता येईल. ज्यांना हा विचार पटेल व या मध्ये सहभागी व्हावयाचे आहे त्यांनी आपले विचार येथे मांडावेत. एकत्रित बसून निर्णय घेता येईल.

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