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Value of Time |
Voters should select a candidate for voting
carefully and correctly. Voters get a chance to express their opinion once in a
few years. Elections cost exchequer. Hence, the period between successive
elections cannot be reduced. The present chosen period of 5 years is practical.
This means voters get just 1 chance in 5 years to choose a candidate who is
supposed to represent them in an appropriate house. This makes it very
important and inescapable to choose their representative absolutely carefully.
Present practice is politicians and political parties promise some thing to
voters and using propaganda machinery it is impressed on voters that this is
the only important work needed by the voter. All other needs are not important.
Many examples could be given such as it is impressed on people that once Rama
temple at Ayodhya is constructed every Indian will become happy or appease
Muslims, or slogans like “Garibi Hatao” or “Pleasant and workers Zindabad”
Voters must understand that these methods or slogans cannot make any positive
change in their life. For positive change lot more is needed. Every voter must
think over this and list out needs in his/her opinion (political parties must
make voters think in a rational way and not feed them with their selfish
methods). The next step would be to determine importance of each of the needs
in their individual and social life. Voter should compare capacity of every
candidate contesting election with reference to his/her needs. Marking system
could be simple just 0 or 1. If the candidate has no capacity or partial
capacity then “zero” else “one” When marks are allotted to every candidate then
these should be multiplied by priority percentage of specific need and score
decided. Total of this score would be the final result of capacity of the
candidates. Voter should vote candidate securing highest marks above certain
predetermined value else vote candidate none from below. Some of the issues
(needs) in my opinion are as under:-
1. Integrity of Candidate: Candidate should
have clear thinking about the society and which party is the best for the
society. Change of political faith indicates that the candidate is selfish and
only interested in promoting his/her individual interests. Voter may take this
as a single need or divide it in smaller needs. This means either Integrity
could be considered as single need or divided in to loyalty to political party,
corruption less in public life, morale, and some more. It is advisable to make
each part of a need as and independent need. All points should be treated in
the same way.
2. Thinkings and activities for Security of a
common man: This could be divided in to security against enemy countries,
extremists, naxalites, maoists, thieves, gangs, rapist, transport and as many
fields as one is concerned about security.
3. Development issues: There can be many needs and these will change
not only from place to place but also from group to group and time to time.
Generally these would be like, education, employment, facilities, food prices,
residential accommodation, communication and so on.
4. Secularism: Religion is basically an
individual need. In India it is made as a social need by pastors and political
leaders. In the interest of the nation and people these needs should not be a
consideration. The consideration should be secularism (see meaning of
secularism here).
5. Capability of the candidate: This would include
finer needs like understanding, assimilating common man’s aspirations and
difficulties, taking economically viable decisions, planning and execution of solutions
and alike.
6. Local difficulties: There are certain
difficulties faced by people in a particular location such as infiltration of
people from neighbouring countries like Bangladesh, over crowding in cities due
to migration, will of people to join with adjoining state, water, electricity,
roads etc.

Every voter must prepare a list of his/her needs and find whether a particular candidate contesting election would be more suitable than others or all are unsuitable for the post. The method is simple. Prepare a table with rows and columns and place candidates in different columns and his/her needs (criteria) in rows. One column should be for needs, second for weight age and rest for candidates. Weight age should be in terms of percentage importance of the criteria for the voter, Marks against each of the criterion shall be either yes or no meaning 1 or zero. Total (after multiplying mark with weight age) at the end shall decide the ranking of each of the candidate. Generally, highest among those who get over pass percentage (say 35 to 50 %) shall be the choice of the voter. In case none gets minimum percentage, choice will be first candidate in the list i.e. “None from below”
Table illustrating arriving at selecting a
candidate for voting in an election:
Weight age
Candidate 1
Candidate 2
Candidate 3
Candidate 4
Total marks
From the above analysis Candidate number 2 securing over 50% points is
ideal for voting.
This is the best method to select a candidate for voting. There is a necessary to send a petition to the government to introduce a candidate "None from List" Politicians would learn a lesson when all candidates are rejected and they are forbidden to contest any election for 6 years. I will place this on my facebook and twitter
Every one must think over voting in coming general election. Many think none of the candidates is suitable then why vote. This leads to electing the worst candidate. We must be able to differentiate between every pair of candidates and find relatively better. Once people know that voters consider properties of every candidate better people some day would come forward.
निवडणुक 2014 निकाल पाहून असा समज होणे साहजिक आहे की, निवडणुकीत नमो लाटच काय त्सुनामी होती. परंतु, ना नमो लाट होती ना भाजपची त्सुनामी. ही एक रास्वसं तसेच भाजपची धूर्त चाल होती. काँग्रेस अगतिक झाली व चक्रव्युहात अडकली. काँग्रेसने गेल्या 30-40 वर्षांपासून मतांचे खेळ केले व निवडणुक जिंकल्यावर जनतेला फसवून जवळ जवळ प्रत्येक काँग्रेसीने गडगंज संपत्ती जमा केली. अर्थात भाजप वेगळा आहे हे अजून सिद्ध झाले नाही. किंबहुना तोही काँग्रेसपेक्षा कमी नाही हे कित्येक वेळा दृष्टीपथास आले आहे. सन्माननीय अण्णा हजारेंच्या आंदोलनाला मिळालेला पाठिंबा पाहून तरी काँग्रेसने जनतेच्या संपत्तीवर हात मारण्याचे थांबविले पाहिजे होते. दुसरा मुद्दा आज पर्यंत फक्त ठराविक गटच मतदान करत असत. त्या गटांकरिता काही करतो असे भासवून काँग्रेसने सत्ता मिळविली. रास्वसं व भाजपने काँग्रेसच्या चुका ओळखल्या. जर भाजपच्या नांवावर मते मागितली असती तर भाजपची पापे चव्हाट्यावर आली असती. म्हणून नमो सारख्या स्वच्छ चारित्र्याच्या पुढाऱ्याला पुढे करून जनतेला भूल घातली. आजपर्यंत ज्यानी मतदान केले नाही व जे भाजपलाच मते देतील त्यांना मतदान करण्यास उद्युक्त केले. काँग्रेस एक करू शकते. भारतातील प्रत्येक राज्याचा, समुदायाचा HDI (मानवी विकास निर्देशांक) आता व दर वर्षाला काढण्यासाठी भाग पाडू शकते. भाजपचे पितळ उघडण्याचा हाच एक प्रभावी उपाय आहे. पुढील निवडणुकीत मतदानाचा टक्का वाढला तर कोठल्याही पक्षाला ठराविक गटाला खूष करून निवडून येता येणार नाही. भारतात लोकशाही यशस्वी होण्याकरिता 100 टक्के मतदान आवश्यक आहे.वाचाः http://janahitwadi.blogspot.in/2011/09/should-voting-be-compulsory-in-india.html
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