The lowest level is Gramsabha and highest lever is Loksabha. Intermediate governments from bottom to top are Tehsilsabha, Jilhasabha, Prabhagsabha, Vidhansabha and Vibhagsabha.
Immediately after declaration at least 90% of the election results the government should be formed in 72 hours. Formation of the Government means election of the leader of the house. Consider Loksabha as an example. Prime minister is the leader of Loksabha. All elected members of the house shall play a role in election of the prime minister. However, there should not be a concept of leader of opposition. The house is required for efficient and just governing in the interest of people of Bharat i. e. India. There is no need to oppose but need exists to find the best solution for every problem. Members of the house should give individual suggestions and debate for right solution. This would need election of prime minister by the house and not by any party whether having majority in the house or coalition of parties. Once the prime minister is elected he/she should choose deputies from the elected members. This shall be the cabinet of ministers. Cabinet should choose advisers for studying and suggesting ways and means to develop nation and face challenges and obstacles. Advisers shall not be elected members but appointed by the prime minister based on the recommendations of the cabinet ministers. Advisers shall be renowned scholars in various fields with proven record of their capabilities. This shall be the formation of the government at respective house.
There should be only two party system for electing the government.
There should be no multi parties participating in the election. There is no fundamental logic in that.
Kannadasan, I appreciate your thinking. However problem would be these parties would fight between themselves and work only for self development. Indian concept doesn't accept opposition party. If every one has a common aim of security and development of society (we may call this as nation) why there should be opposition. All parties together should elect head of the state and others. This should not be called as coalition though.
If there are only two parties, people will have the complete right to change goventment in the next elction. So that the defeated party will have full resposibility to serve people. This fear and resposibilty will be seen in both the parties. Democracy means not having or creating many parties, having a system to make changes by the people in government. Nation is 'for the people' and 'by the people'. This is my view.
Kannadasan, I received your comment through email. "Mr.Jana,
If there are only two parties, people will have the complete right to change goventment in the next elction. So that the defeated party will have full resposibility to serve people. This fear and resposibilty will be seen in both the parties. Democracy means not having or creating many parties, having a system to make changes by the people in government. Nation is 'for the people' and 'by the people'. This is my view."
I appreciate you views. That is an expected situation. However, if you study major 2 parties in India do you find any difference in their goals? Both are trying to make a vote bank on some issues to gain power and make money for themselves. None is worried about India and Bharat. Reason is every one wants to govern for self development. Two parties or more parties should not make a difference if we have method of electing leader of house by the entire house without party label. You may read more further parts in the thread. May be you would be convinced.
I express my additional view how party leader shall be selected.
1. There shall be no leader can be leader for more than 5 years in a party. And should never come again as leader in any iterval.
2. No legal heir either father or mother or son or daughter or brother or sister or other in any form like blood relative shall not come as leader of same party for 10years after steps down from the post.
This kind of check mechanism will filter manipution in the party as well as in the ruling.
Kannadasan, You are right when looking at present circumstances. However this can't be always correct. In my opinion your conditions may fail. We should seek for a permanent solution.
You are right. What I am saying is, law, democracy and rule whatsoever it is, everything for people only not for some particular people. I have been to Spain and France some years back I saw people equally having potentiality to do on their own. Money ditributed to everyone. Not with some set of group. Every one was affordable. It is comparitively poor country than us. But well to do. There should be reformation in our country for futher more developement.
Kannadasan, Democracy means the same thing what you feel. However, politicians have spoiled the system. There had been a working system in India. It was known as Gram Panchayat. Here people were chosen who were selfless and intelligent. Such a system only can enforce true democracy
Foreign model we chose has many short comings. I have suggested modifications. If you have time please read all the articles under "Democracy and Politics". I am sure you will have more ideas and we could include those also.
This appeal is for all who visit and ponder over the blog.
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