
Friday, 29 October 2010

Does Bharat i. e. India need a foriegn model of Democracy?

Democracy is the system of administration followed in Bharat since ages. Probably it exists since birth of this country. Gram Panchayat (i. e. Village Council) and Jat Panchayat (i. e. Caste council) are in existence since time immemorial. The only difference had been Panch (i. e. Member of such councils) was never elected through ballot process. Panch had been accepted by the society for which the council functions. In today's time it is highly difficult to find people's acceptance for Panch. Therefore, election process should be accepted. However, remaining characteristics should not be discarded. The structure should be modified with acceptance of election process. Fundamental characteristic i. e. the council is one body and there should be no differentiation like ruling party and opposition party. All parties have the same aim i. e. to administrate the society to maintain harmony amongst members and ensure due respect and is paid in every judgment to the society. To suit demands of present time some changes could be made in selection of members who administer the society i. e. the nation as a whole.

 Selection of members through general elections as is accepted should be continued with following changes. Bharat has been divided in to states, districts, tehsils and locations (i. e. villages, towns etc.) based on administrative convenience. There are big cities in Bharat which are as big as a tehsil or district when population is considered to determine size. A few of the cities are bigger than any other biggest district. Such cities should be divided in to districts, tehsils and location based on respective size of population of those cities. Wherever, different districts have similar characteristics such districts should be grouped under a zone. Similarly in cases where a group of states have similar characteristics those could be grouped under a region. Thus the division of Bharat should be a ladder of 7 steps. Lowest should be location i. e. Gram (village). Next steps should be in the order like Tehsil, District, Zone, State, Region and finally Nation. At every step there should be a governing council named as 'Sabha'. As an example council at a location would be 'Gramsabha', at tehsil 'Tehsilsabha' and so on. Exact name can be decided through public discussions. Responsibility of administration shall rest with respective council for the area. This means if there is a common problem in more than one location within a tehsil administration shall be responsibility of Tehsilsabha. If any subject concerns the whole nation the same shall be the responsibility of 'Bharatsabha'. This structure shall remove all hindrances in progress of any location or parts of nation. There shall be no need to divide states and make small states for ease of administration. A zone shall be the solution for such cases. In short by accepting fundamental principle of administration i. e. no division like ruling party and opposition party and organising administration in 7 steps as above the whole nation can be converted in to a cohesive society and shall be better administered.

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