Based on this rule all living beings have been classified in four distinct groups. These are (a) Dev (God), (b) Manav (Human), (c) Danav (Devil), (d) Rakshas (Demon)
Definition for this classification is simple.
- Dev is one who chooses and practices every Karma to benefit others in the society, even at his/her own cost.
- Manav is one who chooses and practices every Karma to Benefit others in the society, but not at his/her own cost.
- Danav is one who chooses and practices every Karma to Trouble others in the society, but not at his/her own cost.
- Rakshas is one who chooses and practices every Karma to Trouble others in the society, even at his/her own cost.
Every one has right to choose Karma. Therefore, every one has a right to be a Dev or a human or a Danav or a Rakshas. However, its difficult in real practice to choose Karma under certain trivial situations. Indian philosophy gives an example for this. At certain time one sees a cow running ahead and later found a butcher following the cow. The person realises that the butcher is chasing cow to slaughter. When asked by the butcher which direction the cow went the person finds it difficult to answer. If truth is told the person become party to death of the cow. Telling lies is a bad Karma. The person takes a decision to lie and shows another direction to the butcher.
Karma is about predesigned event. That is for each induviduals, nothing is done on his/her own. He/she is the one the captain as well as the ship himself.
Kannadasan, I received your comment by email "Karma is about predesigned event. That is for each induviduals, nothing is done on his/her own. He/she is the one the captain as well as the ship himself. "
I understand we are taught like this. This is what pastors taught us. This there way of getting alms. You may ponder over this. If you have no freedom for Karma then why do any thing. Let it go as it is and just keep doing nothing. What "Geeta' teaches us is different. Your Karma changes your future. We should have firm belief in this freedom and use it. In my opinion that is the only thing we can control and no pastor can deceive you if you believe in this.
In the same 'Geeta' Lord Krishna says after finishing of last day war,
" Whatever has happened, happened well as predesigned,
Whatever is happening, happening well as predesigned,
Whatever has to happen, will happen well as predesigned,
Why you cry?
What you brought to the world when you born that you will lose?
What you created that to be destroyed or wasted?
Whatever you have taken is taken from the world,
Whatever you offered to others that has been offered to you by the world,
What is yours today, the same is others tomorrow and the same is someone's in next day.
This is the cycle of universal Law and the content of my creation."
Sir we are charecters in his drama. We may think that I do or we do or someone does but no. The director has sitting in our mind and dictates, accordingly so called I or we or you or someone do. It is an illusion or perception that I or we or someone or you do everything. There must be only one thing ie. 'True or False'. Thaere are 'Matter and Anti-Matter'. Matter is known. In known, only one thig that is god. Matter and god inseperable. Both are one but in differnt form like iron in kinfe that is used for killing one and also for surgery.
Kannadasan, You should be in a position to separate milk from water. What Krishna told Arjun had been under different circumstances. Arjun was feeling he is the biggest sinner who killed his relatives, gurus. Krishna wanted to give him solace.
We are actors on a big canvas but free to choose our Karma and act on it.
There was a motivation that he has to kill before kiling them but there was a regret after killing them. Why two stand? This is human being or any living things. But God is passive and active through us.
Kannadasan, I understand Arjuna was a human being. It is natural when he felt some one has robbed him, his reaction would be to get it back. If the robber doesn't return then natural tendency is to fight. During fight it is very difficult to restrain and result had been Kauravas were killed. After killing Arjuna must have thought over that after all Kauravas were his brothers and he did wrong thing in killing them. It is just a natural tendency. Any one shall feel this way only.
Take a simple example. If some one is killed in a road accident people visit the family to give them strength to face the situation. Some of the visitors may know that the responsibility of accident is fully that of the person killed. However no one would bring this to notice of the family. On the other hand people talk of destiny and say this was to happen, its god's wish etc. Hence Krishna's telling Arjun that they were dead or were supposed to be killed etc. should be taken in this light. There is no controversy.
If you accept energy is the god and every particle in the universe possesses energy it automatically follows that you are part of the god.
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