At the start of civilisation the basic need
was food and water. Rivers could provide these needs so the settlement
continued where water was easily available. Things changed as the man found
methods to carry water and transportation became fundamental need of the man.
Therefore, communication methods gained priority over water. Today, development
takes place along the road or railway or sea shore or rivers with water round
the year etc. meaning facility of transportation. Town planning also takes this
in to consideration apart from other indexes like pollution, trees, environment
etc. While doing this advantage of existing cities and infrastructure available
should be taken in to consideration. In short future planning should develop
communication system first, and then establish townships.
There are many communication methods are
available. They are listed as under:-
1. Road.
2. Train.
3. Metro
4. Fast
5. Bullet Train
Water transport
7. Helicopter.
8. Aeroplanes
of all capacities.
9. Water
For surface transport and air transport
corridors could be designed and constructed so that existing big towns/cities
could be connected. Such connection can consider connecting various forests
also. The corridor could be say 200 metre or wider. A strip of say 100 metre orso should be reserved for providing a path for wild animal to wander from 1forest to other. This should be planted with appropriate categories of trees
and bushes and should have adequately tall walls to avoid disturbance to and
from the animals who would use this path. Walls are needed for safety of people
and also to keep animals safe from people.
Both the sides of forest strip the space
should be used for appropriate transport i.e. trains and road transport
vehicles. Helipads and aerodromes should be provided at appropriate places nearby
this corridor. Train stations and road transport stops also should be provided
by increasing the width of corridor at interval of say 5 km for trains, 2.5 km
for metro train and buses. Similar provision should be made for goods transport
also. While providing this special care should be taken for approaches to the
station without disturbing other transport paths. This could be done by
providing over head bridges for road vehicular traffic and human crossings
where necessary. It would be appropriate to provide rail lines towards centre
and road ways on the outer side. Along this strip (not more than 1.5 km) land strip
should be used for establishing townships.
This area should be planned with internal
roads and all amenities needed for a town. The amenities should include
gardens, play grounds, stadiums, government offices, police stations, bazaar, hawker
zones, parking lots, bus stations, railway stations, public washing/cleaning
places for men and women separately and all those requirements needed by
people. Rest of the area should be planned for residential and commercial
complexes including factories, hotels, private sector offices etc. No construction
other than planned shall be allowed in this area. Also no construction outside
this area shall be allowed even on temporary basis. Township limit shall be
fixed to this area permanently. There shall not be even paths to connect
outside area and no public service like water electricity etc. shall be
provided from the township.
Land would be a problem. People whose land is
taken for development shall be landless and whose land is not used for public
amenities would become rich on account of increased land value. The solution
could be found by redistributing the land. The entire 3.5 km wide strip should
be redistributed by deducting 14% of the land earmarked for development.
Whatever land is earmarked for residential and commercial complexes
including factories, hotels, private sector offices etc. should be sold by
cooperative of people whose land is in the strip and the money be distributed
among the members of society in the proportion of individual land holding
before planning of township. This way justice could be given to the people w/o
making them landless. Their holding would be decreased by 14% and money would
be paid only after land is sold for housing etc. though. This method should be
fair to all, it would avoid burden on big cities, develop rural area, make
available passage for forest animals and maintain ecological balance. Similar
planning should be done along the seacoast also.
There are many problems faced by citizens in
the city. These are listed below.
- Security of
- Parking of
- Slums.
- Integration of
- Old age homes.
- First aid
- Primary repair
shop for home appliances and vehicles
- Primary shops
for day to day urgent needs of citizens.
- Household
Waste disposal
- Industrial and
commercial waste disposal.
- Transport for reaching
work place or other places.
- Traffic
- Hawkers
- Accommodation
for retired soldiers of Indian Armed forcrs & Police.
olden days residential houses were constructed like architecture of a fort. Various rooms were constructed along the boundary
of the plot with a single opening for entrance. This method made sure that anyone
entering premises would attract attention of more or less every occupant in the
premises. Thus no one would dare to enter premises with illegal intention. Generally
in such a construction a small well used to be located in the centre for water
supply. In case of emergency this water was available and hence protection from
fire had been ensured. This architecture should be combined with modern
architecture of multi-storey apartment/flats. This can be easily done by
constructing flats or apartments along border of the plot with approach gallery
from staircase to gallery in front of flats along the line of the flats. On top
of the staircase a water tank of adequate capacity be constructed for emergency
i.e. if fire breaks. The remaining open place should be use for sports like
swimming, badminton, kabbaddi etc.
should be made compulsory to provide one parking place on full floor per 4
storey of the building (This means including parking place there would be 5
floors). In addition there must be open air space available for
guests/visitors. This could be provided in open area around the building. This
will ensure safe zone around buildings and internal road/footpath around
city has slums all around. Towns are also no exceptions. No government so far
is in a position to get rid of this nuisance.
Some cities have tried to develop alternate accommodation for slum dwellers.
However they have failed to provide enough dwellings in the available finance.
Secondly these have been provided away from general population following older
system of untouchability. This is not a right solution. There is a possible
solution to accommodate every slum dwellers who can pay for flat at
constructional rate. The government should make it compulsory for
builders/developers to reserve 25% of flats on any floor in a multi-storey
building with 3 or more floors. Location of the floor for flats to be
constructed for slum dwellers should be left to the builder/developer.
Architecture may consist of provisions for independent entrance etc. to such
dwellings. The government contribution needed is “Do not consider floor area of
flats developed for slum dwellers in FSI calculations”
accommodation in Para 3 above shall help in integration of the society.
Additional efforts may be made through teaching. Museum, posters, lectures,
gatherings, TV shows, radio etc. would result in integration of the society.
Special stress be given on universal religion i.e. “Help others”
have great faith in family. Those who have grand children always like to stay
near or rather with them. Under changed circumstances it is financially
impossible to buy accommodation adequate enough to accommodate old parents. A
solution for this would be construction a flat with common living, dining rooms
and kitchen with independent bedroom with attached toilets. This can be
constructed on the same floor as slum dwellers. This flat may provide 5-6 or
more bedrooms so that parents of flat owners can stay here. Contacting grandparents
shall not be a problem in this arrangement.
dwelling should have first aid facility. In a group of dwelling a dispensary
could be established with clinical laboratory, facility for primary checkups,
treatment for minor diseases and if feasible ambulance. In a multi-storey
complex where dwellings for slum dwellers are provided on a particular floor
this facility can be established on the same floor.
cities there is a need for repair of kitchen appliances and also vehicles.
Facility is also needed for buying day to day needs like vegetables. This can
be fulfilled on the same floor.
disposal is the worst disadvantage in most of the towns or rather all over
Bharat. Individuals have found solutions. However, the government has never
tested even a single solution and conducted training for citizens. Presently
only action taken is propaganda of cleanliness. This is not giving any results
and nothing can be expected also. Industries and commercial establishments are
not encouraged for waste disposal. The result is life is threatened by
transport is a major need of citizens. Experience shows that public transport has
failed in this respect and citizens are forced to use personal private
transport in spite of it proves costly and uneconomical except for reliability.
Reliable public transport has added advatage of reduction in pollution. The
government need to provide reliable public transport to avoid expenditure on
pollution prevention.
Providing public transport has impotant side
advantages in traffic control, road/flyover construction/maintenance etc.
Government approach need change to find solution to prolem which include, safe & pollution free environment.
transport should be provided in such a way that cowding of vehicles on road
should be withing permissible limits of the road width. This means where roads
are likely to be crowded with private vehicles, there should be arrangement for
Parking of private vehicles and public transport to destination. In cities and
towns for convinience, work places are concentrated in a particular area while
people reside in different parts far away from each other. In many cases it is
not economical to provide public transport from every place in the city because
of low density of traffic. Under such circumstances people should be brought to
a point using their own/private transport and provide public transport from that point to place of
work. Inescapable need of parking of private vehicles must not be forgotten
Traffic control in traditional ways
indicatesonly reaching targets or not
finning defaulters for personal gains. Second part is unacceptable to
citizens in general. Persons responsible for traffic control need to think and
find new methods to control citizens. Examples are (a) Most of the citizens
have mobile phones. If traffic department selects a phone number and request
citizens to send photographs of citizens breaking traffic rules, such
information could be obtained by them provided the sender is given 100%
compensation for this message. The department can easily do this because the
expenditure can be recovered from rule breaker by enhansing penalty charged.
This would need strict control on police involved in execution. (b) We know
that age of children sudying up to first year of senior college is less than 18
years in general. Enforcement staff must visit schools/colleges and find out
whether students who have no driving license are using two wheelers. This will
help them to reach their target and reduce vehicular traffic. (c) Available
police be posted to control traffic, especially at road crossings. These police
shouuld declare money on them while reporting for duty. If more money is found
on the police he/she be tried for corruption with full responsibility of
providing proof. (d) Wherever possible road furniture should be provided so
that no vehicle driver would be able to break rule. As an example consider a
vehicle driver who wants to turn right at next crossing. Lane dividers should
be designed in such a manner that only those drivers in the right lane can turn
their vehicle to right. Others would go in the different direction.
is a necessity of the citizens. They should be treated accordingly. They
provide service at residence or place near to residence. This benefits
residents as well as for traffic control. Hawkers supply needs of residence at
their doorstep and hence citizens need to go out and create traffic jam.
for living is a key issue specially in cities/towns. Not that this problem
doesn’t exists in villages. However, generally villagers have lesser needs and
they manage some how. In cities and towns Land prices are high and hence
accommodation is costly. The govt. Must consider cheaper accommodation for armed
forces personner, police, residents of JJ colonies, oldage homes, first aid
centres, repair shops for domestic apiances, hawkers selling day to day needs
like vegitables, grocery and alike. The govt. Can solve this point by making a
law for town planners that FSI for such accommodation be excluded from FSI of the
building. This way every builder can offer such accommodation at the rate of
construction cost. This point is discussed in details in earlier paragraphs 3
to 7.
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